Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Unix Interview Preparation

I have gathered a bunch of useful blogs containing unix interview questions grouped together by command:

  • http://www.tecmint.com/12-practical-examples-of-linux-grep-command/

  • http://www.tecmint.com/35-practical-examples-of-linux-find-command/

Thursday, July 16, 2009


The best experience you get while writing an application is when you get a lot of bugs. Debugging demands a lot of thinking and knowledge. You have to consider a lot of possibilities and put constraints so that the same error doesn't appear again. Sometimes it happens that eliminating one bug gives rise to many other small bugs. To avoid this you have to keep revising your code... because as the code grows bigger and bigger it becomes more complex and at the same time difficult to add new features.... since you have to add and modify a lot of existing parameters. Hence its better you keep revising it after regular intervals.

Also while debugging you learn many new ways of implementing the same thing... sometimes you realize that there is a much stable and better way of implementing something which will produce much fewer bugs... and you have to change the fundamental code... (almost everything). If this happens you need to write the whole thing again...you may think how boring this would be... but trust me... it is much more fun actually doing it... because there is a sweet happiness in your heart, that you have just learnt over your mistakes.

Human beings are not machines... but they are souls with emotions... and their happiness and success is based on beliefs... entire human society is based on beliefs.... if you agree with this then you will also agree that " You will get whatever you think".... so go get it. If you have something (some ambition) on your mind -- go chase it. And believe me you 'll get it, just have faith in you.

Nothing motivates you more than your passion, have passion for doing things... don't do it because you have to... but do it because you want to. Trust me thinking it the other way, does changes the whole scenario.

Few things I have learnt during/from my coding experience are:
  • Don't jump to conclusion
  • Don't find reason why things won't work, but find possibilities why they would (even if you have one -- it's worth trying).
  • There is always an other way of doing the same thing.